People write for different reasons... as in anything else. Have you met a loving and kind Dr. whose vocation is to help the sick? The genuine care beams through her eyes and gentle demeanor... then there are those Dr's that cause you to wonder how this person ever got into the "helping other people business"... calculating, detached and cold. I'm just saying....
Eckhart Tolle is hopefully one of those writers, who writes because he must respond to his "calling" to share what was freely given to him... his monetary success an incidental. Who could hold that against him? Surely, if Oprah endorses your work, chances are the money will fall in... ;-)
So thinking about the few things I've learned over the years, few things have helped more than writing. The patterns, the tone, the rhythm, the truth, however small and subject to change... the change.
There is no danger of writing to get rich... chances of lightening striking are much better! :) And there is no supposing that the thoughts written here will heal or help anyone, unless Providence would have it as such. Simply put, when a thought is yearning to get out of my head, much like a caged bird... The door is opened and out flies the fowl. One solitary, unspectacular feathered creature amongst thousands of others. "Free as a bird" and the joy that comes in being just... that.