Sometimes, perhaps most times when I'm praying for direction the road seems unclear and foggy, without traffic lights or neon signs flashing "THE WAY!" Other times, its so obvious that its a bit unnerving and I'm almost sorry I asked !
This is the experience I've had recently regarding "G.ood O.rderly D.irection" I rolled into Corpus Christi Friday night and felt a calm wash over me as I drove alongside Ocean Drive... I got to one of my favorite places and met up with some friends for fine food and conversation. The original plan was to wake up and hit the early 4 hr fishing bay trip the next morning but one thing led to another and I crawled into bed way too late. Las Maria's woke me up and insisted I join them at the 8:30 am Centering Prayer Group. Now, if you knew what I knew about the Mary's, you'd know that back in 2000 when I started going, they were NOT INTERESTED!! Funny, how things change... with God doing the molding, sculpting, weaving... ok, ok, you get the idea. :) I agreed that I would go only if I could go in my calvin klein jammies and coffee mug.. of course, they did not care. We walked in just as it was starting... and the Lectio was on the mark! A real jolt that I could not deny or chase away from my consciousness. SOOOOO perhaps this was not a coincidence that I ended up there at that very moment... when all I really wanted to do in Corpus Christi was fish and relax.... (mission was accomplished). The fact is I've been given soo much to be grateful for!! The list of gifts and graces is long, all I have to do is receive them and "Accept the things I can not change".... and Life is pretty damn good ! :)
And when I do not trust the process of things... GOD can always be Trusted... God is"the focus of absolute trust, one to whom you can give yourself without fear of betrayal, the holy mystery".
(p. 4 She Who Is)
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