God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.—Reinhold Niebuhr
Now here's the version my Sponsor gave me.... and gee, what a difference a few words makes huh?
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, (which are most things) the courage to change the things I can, (which is only myself) and the wisdom to know the difference.—Reinhold Niebuhr
Now I remember the first time hearing this prayer, recited by a bunch of recovering "ics" of every kind.... and it seemed so simple, trite even, nothing powerful or life changing... boy, what limitations can't grasp, ignorance justifies! Who can conceed to such a simple prayer? What does Serenity have to do with any of this?? What do you mean I cant change MOST things?? WISDOM, WISDOM? What the f***?.....
The magic (LIES) of manipulation loses its spell once this prayer begins to seep in past the ego... sometimes eeking very slowwwwly, thus requiring it to be recanted a few thousand times --- as other practioners of this prayer have pointed out and I personally, have found to be True.
Once again, its the Simple things that keep my Life Free of the mental messes that self -centeredness or self will run riot can create.
Now here's the version my Sponsor gave me.... and gee, what a difference a few words makes huh?
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, (which are most things) the courage to change the things I can, (which is only myself) and the wisdom to know the difference.—Reinhold Niebuhr
Now I remember the first time hearing this prayer, recited by a bunch of recovering "ics" of every kind.... and it seemed so simple, trite even, nothing powerful or life changing... boy, what limitations can't grasp, ignorance justifies! Who can conceed to such a simple prayer? What does Serenity have to do with any of this?? What do you mean I cant change MOST things?? WISDOM, WISDOM? What the f***?.....
The magic (LIES) of manipulation loses its spell once this prayer begins to seep in past the ego... sometimes eeking very slowwwwly, thus requiring it to be recanted a few thousand times --- as other practioners of this prayer have pointed out and I personally, have found to be True.
Once again, its the Simple things that keep my Life Free of the mental messes that self -centeredness or self will run riot can create.
An inexhaustible good nature is one of the most precious gifts of heaven, spreading itself like oil over the troubled sea of thought, and keeping the mind smooth and equable in the roughest weather.—Washington Irving
you know, when I first met that prayer it was always on books and crosses and notes etc. so it never really seemed important, just kind of cheap and cliche'. Since going to college and all that stuff it has taken a much deeper meaning. anyway.